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Plastruct 3/8" White Clapboard Siding Sheet 14" x 24" (1 per pack)

$21.44 USD
$21.44 USD $26.15 USD
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About the Product


Accurately Vacuum Formed in .020 (0.5mm) colored Styrene or clear Copolyester sheet. The listed scales are only suggestions as many patterns have no definitive size.

The photographs provide a decorated, full-scale (actual size) image of Clapboard Siding. Furnished sheets are undecorated (unpainted) except where noted. See our Tips page for decorating instructions.

NOTE: Some Patterns come in multiple sheet sizes. These will be indicated by an ÒLÓ or ÒXLÓ at the end of the Product Code, i.e. PS-120L. Use the photo for the Product Code without the ÒLÓ or ÒXLÓ, i.e. PS-120L uses PS-120 picture.
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